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What's New


Big Wave Marketing is proud to announce the latest new additions to the Big Wave family, please join us in giving a warm welcome to Globe Commercial Products, we look forward to continue the development of the Canadian market for this great local company.


Big Wave Marketing is proud to announce the latest new additions to the Big Wave family, please join us in giving a warm welcome to Tavola Culinary Inc, we look forward to continue the development of the Canadian market for this great local company.



Big Wave Marketing is very proud to announce the first new arrival of 2021. A warm welcome from the Big Wave Marketing family to all members of the Brio team!


Big Wave Marketing is very happy and proud to announce a new member to the Big Wave Marketing family. A big welcome to all team members of MGM TRUFFLES CANADA.


Big Wave Marketing is proud to announce that its principal, Grisspasta, has won the 2018 AFD Supplier  of the Year award - congrats to the Grisspasta team for a job well done.


There is more great news, Big Wave Marketing has won the 2018 Risch Rep of the Year award for the second time within 6 years! Congrats to the Big Wave Marketing Team for a job well done.

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Its with great pleasure to announce that Big Wave Marketing partner Max and Marcus Gourmet Products has has won the RCCGRANDPRIX for new product of the year 2016! Congrats to Max & Marcus!


Big Wave Marketing is pleased to introduce our newest member of the family - Grisspasta.

From the Abruzzi region of Italy, known as one of the finest pasta producers in the world.
The Petaccia family with pride and tradition has created pasta of unmatched quality and flavour for four generations. PASTIFICIO PETACCIA, presently known as GRISSPASTA has been dedicated to continuing this tradition.


Big Wave Marketing is proud to announce Max and Marcus Gourmet Products has been chosen as a Finalist at RCCGRANDPRIX - Congrats to Max & Marcus!

Now in its 24th year, the Canadian Grand Prix New Product Awards™,is an annual program that celebrates new products in food, non-food and private-label categories. 


Big Wave Marketing is proud to announce the launching of Max and Marcus Gourmet Products

Max & Marcus Gourmet Products Inc-has begun its journey by meticulously choosing select partners that truly pride themselves on premium  quality standards setting themselves apart from all others. All natural ingredients made without preservatives-GMO's,lactose,gluten or traces of nuts.


Big Wave Marketing acquires Morehouse Representation

Morehouse began making mustard in 1898; it has remained focused and committed to making its products better than its competitors.  For over 100 years, Morehouse is ever-focused on their "niche" delivering consistent quality to consumers across North America.


Big Wave Marketing is extremely proud to have been chosen to represent the Morehouse brand.


Big Wave Marketing - Wins Risch 2013 Rep of the Year

First of all, I would like to thank the Risch team for all the support they have provided us over the last 10 years. As a broker, we are only as good as the quality of manufacturer we represent! Everyone at Risch has done a great job in terms of service, quality, and product knowledge. Notwithstanding, is the timely manner all orders get processed and delivered.


This past years success for Big Wave Marketing can be directly attributed to the years of developing partnerships with not only our national distribution network, but the vast array of national and regional accounts we have been developing relationships with. Ensuring that the decision makers include Risch whenever new projects unfold has proven to be paramount in the growth of Risch.


Thank you to the Risch Team and to the Canadian national representatives –great team work!


For over 50 years, Fantino & Mondello has been making history thanks to its ancestral traditions and typical recipes from Italy, offering true Italian cooked deli ...


BIG WAVE MARKETING is proud to annouce that is now representing Ruliano - producers of the finest Prosciutto and Culatello in the world..

©2018 BigWave Marketing Incorporate

Big Wave Marketing Food Service Brokers



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